

Director of the National Museum of Cinema, Italy

Born in Biella (Italy) in February 1950. Bachelor of Arts at Turin University in 1975, with a master’s degree in film history and criticism. Alberto Barbera began his career in 1972 at A.I.A.C.E., the Italian Association of Art Film Theaters in Turin, and served as its President between 1977 and 1989. From 1980 to 1983 he was the chief film critic of the daily La Gazzetta del Popolo. He has also written for a variety of newspapers (Città, La Stampa) and film magazines (Essai, Altro Cinema, Bianco e Nero, Cineforum).</p> <p>In 1982, Barbera joined the Torino Film Festival, as press officer, then as General Secretary and member of the Selection Committee since 1984. From 1989 to 1998 he was the festival’s Director.  He is also the author of numerous publications.</p> <p>Barbera was the Director of the Venice Film Festival from 1999 to 2001. Since June 2004, he has been the Director of the National Museum of Cinema in Torino.