

Sarajevo Film Festival announces a CineLink Talks online line-up

Sarajevo Film Festival is proud to announce a complete CineLink Talks line-up, an online conference part of the CineLink Industry Days programme. This year’s programme has been designed in collaboration with Documentary Campus and Screen International.

The 10 hour-long CineLink Talks will run from August 14-19. Topics include filmmaking during the pandemic, working with streamers, female filmmaker quotas, mental health in the film industry and new models for distribution. The line-up also includes masterclasses with filmmakers Mads Brugger and Alexander Nanau.
All of the webinars will run via Zoom and feature a live Q&A in which audience members will be able to ask questions of the panellists.
Either click this link and fill in your details to register for multiple sessions at once or register for individual sessions below. More information about each panel and speakers' biographies can be found at The recordings for each session will be added to the CineLink Industry Days website.
Paula Vaccaro, producer, scriptwriter and founder of Pinball London, is the curator of the Documentary Campus talks. Documentary Campus is one of Europe’s most renowned training initiatives, providing documentary filmmakers with tailored training and advice on how to develop their film ideas, unlock funding and reach a large international audience.
Saturday, August 14

In conversation with filmmaker Mads Brugger – 15:00 CEST
Mads Brugger is a Danish filmmaker, journalist, TV host and author who is renowned for his distinctive methods of “performative journalism”. His feature-length documentaries include Sundance winner The Red Chapel (2009) as well as The Ambassador (2011) and Cold Case Hammarskjöld (2019), which were also selected for Sundance. His feature fiction debut The Saint Bernard Syndicate(2018) won two awards at the Tribeca Film Festival. Moderator: Damir Šagolj
Register here
Sunday, August 15

What have producers learned from filmmaking during pandemics? (presented by Documentary Campus) - 15:00 CEST
A panel of internationally recognised producers discuss what they have learned from making films during the pandemic and if there have been any positive outcomes from the process.
Speakers: Ada Solomon (Romania), producer, Hi Film Productions and Micro Film, credits: Radu Jude’s Bad Luck Banging Or Loony Porn, Călin Peter Netzer’sChild’s Pose
Elizabeth Karlsen (UK), producer, Number 9 Films, credits: Todd Haynes’ Carol, Mark Herman’sLittle Voice
Adis Đapo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), producer, SCCA/, credits: Danis Tanović’s Death In Sarajevo, Igor Drljaca’s The White Fortress
Moderator: Paula Vaccaro (UK), producer, Pinball London
Register here
Working with streamers (presented by Documentary Campus) - 18.00 CEST 
Is there a way to ensure sustainability for the indie sector within the streaming model? Given a context in which less IP is retained and there is uncertainty about the chance of creating libraries and rights’ exploitation, as well as project ownership, independent producers and funders discuss fair practice in the ecosystem involving streamers and content creators.
Speakers: Chris Marcich (Croatia), CEO of the Croatian Audiovisual Centre
Lars Loge (Norway), Norwegian Film Institute
Martichka Bozhilova (Bulgaria), producer, AgitProp
Pauline Durand-Vialle (Belgium), CEO, FERA Federation of European Screen Directors
Moderator: Alexandra Lebret, managing director, European Producers Club
Register here
Monday, August 16

What women want: quotas and reality (presented by Mastercard) - 15:00 CEST

A panel of renowned female filmmakers give their perspective on quotas imposed by film institutions. Do quotas work or is it simply about ticking boxes?  
Speakers: Aida Begić (Bosnia and Herzegovina), director, credits: Cannes Critics’ Week Grand Prix winner Snow, Children Of Sarajevo, Never Leave Me
Antoneta Alamat Kusijanović (Croatia), director, credits: Cannes Directors’ Fortnight title Murina
Bianca Oana (Romania), producer/writer, Manekino Film / Monogram Film, credits: Golden Bear winner Touch Me Not, double Oscar nominee Collective
Agustina Chiarino (Uruguay), producer, Mutante Cine, credits: Sundance award winner Monos
Moderator: Amra Bakšić Čamo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), producer, SCCA/
Register here
A new take: new models and possibilities for distribution (presented by Documentary Campus) – 18:00 CEST
With Covid-19 accelerating the transition from cinema to platforms, and more scheduled releases on the horizon, what does an alternative distribution model look like? This blue-sky session provides ideas, prompts and new questions, continuing a conversation begun at last year’s CineLink Talks.
Speakers: Amy Hobby (US), producer, Tangerine Entertainment and executive director at Tribeca Film Institute
Andy Caley (UK), distributor, Bohemia Media
Ester Bernal (Mexico), head of distribution, Piano Distribution
Ryan Harrington (US), head of film, Kinema
Moderator: Paula Vaccaro (UK), producer, Pinball London
Register here
Tuesday, August 17

Can co-productions be green? Strategy and challenges (presented by MEDICI - The Film Funding Journey and FOCAL) - 15:00 CEST

The panel brings together producers, film fund representatives and environmental consultants to speak about approaches and strategies for making film production greener. Without having a common rule on the environmental issues across EU and with evident boost of “green production” in western Europe, how can it be ensured that bigger disparity does not occur across European co-production landscape?
Speakers: Sehad Cekic (Montenegro), head of Film Centre of Montenegro
Amra Baksic Camo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), producer, SCCA/
Alberto Battocchi (Italy), film commissioner, Trentino Film Fund and Commission
Zuzana Bieliková (Slovakia), film commissioner, Slovak Film Commission/ Slovak Audiovisual Fund
Moderator: Tamara Tatishvili (Switzerland), head of training at MEDICI - The Film Funding Journey, FOCAL
Register here
Staying sane: Mental health in the film industry (presented by Documentary Campus) – 18:00 CEST

What does our industry need to do to make sure those employed within it enjoy good mental health? Filmmakers and two qualified therapists working in film discuss strategies and suggestions for a healthier industry.
Speakers: Rebecca Day (UK), psychotherapist and documentary producer, Film In Mind
Malikkah Rollins (US), co-founder, Documentality; director of industry and education, DOC NYC
Victoria Thomas (UK), writer/director, credits: A Birthday Party
Moderator: Paula Vaccaro (UK), producer, Pinball London
Register here
Wednesday, August 18

In  conversation with Alexander Nanau (presented by Balkan Documentary Center) - 15:00 CEST
Renowned documentary filmmaker Alexander Nanau will discuss his film Collective, which was nominated for two Academy Awards, and discuss the process and methodology of his work.
Moderator: Martichka Bozhilova (Bulgaria), producer, AgitProp
Register here
Are Critics Still Needed? (presented by Documentary Campus) – 18:00 CEST

Mostly white, and still mostly male, film critics are part of a highly concentrated power structure when it comes to trade reviews and market success. If transparency and diversity at film festivals are not enough to open the doors to the industry, is it time we ask ourselves: “Are film critics even needed?”
Speakers: Uzma Hasan (UK), producer, Little House Productions
Dina Iordanova (UK/Bulgaria), professor of Global Cinema, DinaView
Heleen Gerritsen (Germany), head of festival, goEast - Festival of Central and Eastern European Film
Pedro Tinen (Brazil), film critic
Aashna Thakkar (Canada), programmer/critic
Moderator: Paula Vaccaro (UK), producer, Pinball London
Register here
Thursday, August 19

Expanding the co-production drama landscape - 15:00 CEST

A case study into co-production between small countries from Southeast Europe and Nordics through brand new drama series The Possibility Of An Island. How can projects such as this maintain the cultural authenticity of both regions. Presented by Croatian producer Nebojša Taraba (Drugi Plan) and Icelandic producer Hordur Runarsson (Glass River).
Speakers: Nebojša Taraba (Croatia), producer, partner, production company Drugi plan
Hordur Runarsson (Iceland), producer, co-owner, Glassriver
Moderator: Cia Edström (Sweden), head of industry and TV drama vision, Göteborg Film Festival
Register here
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