Industry Terrace
Where art meets business

What is the Industry Terrace?
Sarajevo Film Festival’s Industry Terrace is your place for business with rights and licences of the films presented at our Festival and the place to make production and equipment services deals in Southeast Europe.
Who is it for?
Sales agents, distributors, exhibitors, TV acquisitions managers, VoD operators, producers, festival programmers, service companies and equipment manufacturers
Industry Terrace offer:
· Prearranged 1-to-1 meetings with leading international sales agents / buyers from SEE / producers with projects in pre- and post-production / equipment manufacturers
· Moderated interview info session about your company for up to 10 participants (limited number of slots)
· Access to industry screenings of the films in competition
· Access to Work in Progress screenings (limited number of participants)
· Access to video library of all titles in the festival
· Extensive networking opportunities